March 13, 2011

Keen Responses

1.       1. In regards to democratized media, Keen believes that it “undermines the truth” and creates a sort of unreliable news media. In other words, it has lead our society into an age of misinformation and non-creditable sources. He also says that democratized media has taken away from the value of professionally created media.

2.       2. Even though Keen makes the claim that social media is solely a way for people to broaden false information and to create a hub of non-credible sources, Rushkoff sees democratized media as a way for people all over the world to be connected. He also makes the claim that this is the fastest way for people to spread information over long distance. Even though the information received isn’t put out by professionals, people are given the opportunity to receive, if anything, just the headline and to do research on their own through professionals. I agree with both sides of this argument; having everyone in the world connected and sharing information is an extremely valuable asset to our society, however people must take the initiative to look up subjects of interest through credible, valid sources.

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